our solutions

lab consultancy services


Our Full Suite of Consulting Solutions

We’re passionate about helping lab startups get off the ground efficiently and successfully. We provide a large array of services to simplify the process, giving you all the help you need, regardless of where you are in the process. Through our network, we’ll be able to answer all your questions and get everything down to the last detail finalized so that your lab can run smoothly without setbacks. To learn more, browse through each of our available services below.

Starting a new lab? Our clients start faster with our. Let’s get started


Comprehensive consulting services include

  • Application Processing

    Laboratory applications can be long and confusing. If they’re not completed correctly, they can cause your lab significant delays and major losses in reimbursement. Our team of experts can take care of your applications for you.

  • Writing SOPs 

    Good SOPs are the most important part of a successful lab. We can write both technical and general Standard Operating Procedures as well as Quality Management plans. We make sure SOPs are compliant with applicable CLIA, CAP, COLA, Joint Commission & State documentation requirements.

  • Lab Buildout + Design

    Our team will work with your contractors and instrument manufacturers to design a laboratory with optimal workflow and maximum efficiency. We consider every detail and make sure you’re happy every step of the way.

  • Staffing + Recruiting management

    We have access to over 140,000 experienced clinical laboratory professionals. Whether you are looking for assistance filling a critical position in your lab or you’re looking to have your lab completely staffed and operated, we can help.

  • Test Menu Creation

    Our laboratory technical consultants are experienced in helping startups establish test menus and their necessary components. We ensure you have a test menu you’re equipped to carry out and will discuss how test complexity affects personnel requirement.

  • Instrument + Supply Director services plus

    We’ll work closely with you to determine what equipment, reagent, and supplies your lab needs, advising you on making sound decisions about what your lab personnel will need without racking up unnecessary expenses.


Our services provide a unique range of benefits

  • On-Going Consulting + Support
    We provide on-going consulting and support with a monthly retainer fee. Our team is accessible five days a week to be on-call to answer your questions. We provide technical support and troubleshooting, discussion of test menu and product development – or anything you would like to discuss. We want your lab to be successful.

  • Method Development + Validation
    Having solid testing methods established early on in your startup can be the difference between a lab’s failure or success. Our technical staff can help you develop appropriate and cost-effective testing methods.

  • Training
    Our technical team can implement training for software, operating instruments, toxicology data review, lab management, and more. Training can be on-site (at your location), remote (online) or at our location in our training center.

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REEZ Group provides quotations on price and availability upon request. Our Consulting Department is staffed 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We offer quotes in US dollars, Azerbaijan Manats, and euros. All quotes are entered in US dollars unless stated otherwise.

Please include your daytime contact information (telephone/fax number, email or mailing address) to allow REEZ Group staff to contact you should they have questions regarding your request.

Requesting / Submitting a Consulting
Email: info@vuia17lxwm.onrocket.site

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REEZ Group preformatted spreadsheet is preferred. Using REEZ GROUP spreadsheet form will expedite the processing and return of your completed quote.

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If you do not have a spreadsheet or file to attach, simply type your quote request into the body of your email and send it to us.

Please submit all email quote requests to info@reezgroup.com