Product name | NEX OL |
Technique | X-ray fluorescence (XRF) |
Benefit | Real time, on-line elemental analysis of Al through U |
Technology | Process energy dispersive XRF |
Core attributes | 50 kV, 4 W X-ray tube, SDD detector, tool-less flow cell design (liquids), fixed head for coating thickness and composition |
Core options | Varies by configuration |
Computer | Internal PC, embedded Linux OS, NEX OL software |
Core dimensions | Varies by configuration |
Mass | Varies by configuration |
Power requirements | 1Ø, 110/240 VAC, 2.5/1.5 A, 47-63 Hz |
The following applications are relevant to this product
Co, Br, Mn In TPA And PTA
AppNote XRT1539: Co, Br, Mn In TPA And PTA
Cu Wood Treatment
AppNote XRT1337: Cu Wood Treatment
Gold Processing
AppNote XRT1336: Gold Processing
Process elemental analysis of chemical baths
AppNote XRF1306: aqueous chemical bath containing Ni, Co, Mo, Zn, In